September 2022 Stated – Lodge of Low Vale

Brothers, Our September meeting will be a Lodge of Low Vale and Celebration of Past Masters. The address for this meeting is:

16339 Woodgrove Rd.
Round Hill VA 20141

Dinner will start at 6 PM. On the Menu we have steak, baked potato, corn on the cob, and a side salad. The cost for dinner will be $20.

Our Stated Communication will begin at 7:30 PM.

Please email your RSVPs to WM Joshua Goff at no later than Thursday September 8, 2022

I look forward to seeing you on September 15.

Joshua Goff

A Message from the East

Brothers, below is a link to a survey that we’d like all of the Hamilton-Thompson brethren to respond to. We are trying to find the best
ways to consistently reach the members of our lodge and your feedback on this survey will be very helpful. Thanks in advance!

Joshua Goff

H-T 37 Communications Survey